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Англо-русский строительный словарь - compound


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Перевод с английского языка compound на русский

смесь, состав, композиция (химическое) соединение заливочная масса, компаунд смешивать, приготовлять смеси all-purpose compound aluminum compounds antirust compound asphalt adhesive compound asphalt coating compound bitumen/rubber insulating compound cable compound carbon compounds caulking compound chlorine compounds colloidal compound cure-and-seal compound curing compound dressing compound duct sealing compound epoxy cure-seal-harden compound fast setting patching compound filling compound finishing compound impregnation compound inorganic compounds insulating compound iron compounds jointing compound latex compound lead compounds liquid membrane curing compound membrane forming compound nitrogen compounds organic compounds organometallic compounds organosilicone compounds patching compound pickling compound pigmented compound pipe jointing compound plastic jointing compound polymeric compounds polysulphide-based sealing compound ready-mixed joint compound sealant compound silicon compounds two-part sealing compound waterproof compound wax curing compound
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  компаунд – flooding compound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) смесь, соединение; состав смешивать, соединять; составлять 2) компаунд компаундировать 3) строение; структура 4) составной; сложный to encapsulate in a compound — герметизировать компаундом to fill with a compound — заполнять компаундом to impregnate with a compound — пропитывать компаундом - amino compound - cable compound - chelate compound - corrosion-preventive compound - electrical compound - filling compound - friction compound - ignition compound - intermetallic compound - lapping compound - luminous compound - molding compound - organometallic compound - perfume compound - potting compound - preservative compound - regular compound - sealing compound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) смесь; состав; соединение 2) сложный, составной 3) смешивать; составлять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) состав, смесь; составлять, смешивать; составной, сложный 2) (химическое) соединение; соединять – addition compound – aroma compound – high-energy compound – intermediate compound – oxy compound – ring compound – storage compound – straight-chain compound – tagged compound – volatile compound ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. физ. хим. соединение; смесь; состав 2. сложное слово 3. тех. компаунд-машина 4. спец. составной, сложный compound word —- сложное слово compound sentence —- грам. сложносочиненное предложение compound predicate —- грам. составное сказуемое compound fracture —- мед. осложненный перелом compound glass —- многослойное стекло compound tariff —- ком. смешанный тариф compound number —- мат. составное именованное число compound addition —- мат. сложение именованных числе compound interval —- муз. составной интервал compound time —- муз. сложный такт compound cable —- эл. многожильный кабель compound lens —- опт. сложный объектив compound leaf —- бот. сложный лист compound eye —- зоол. сложный глаз 5. смешивать, составлять; соединять to compound a medicine —- составлять лекарство to compound a riddle —- придумать загадку a cake compounded of the best ingredients —- кекс из самых лучших продуктов her charm was compounded of beauty and kindness —- красота и доброта делали ее обаятельной 6. юр. приходить к компромиссному соглашеннию (особ. с кредитором); выкупать; погашать повременные платежи they finally compounded their differences and shook hands —- они в конце концов уладили свои разногласия и обменялись рукопожатием 7. отказываться от возбуждения иска, жалобы (за материальное вознаграждение) 8. начислять или...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  wound med. ушибленная рана COMPOUND I  1. noun  1) смесь; состав, соединение  2) ling. сложное слово  3) tech. компаунд (тж. compound engine)  2. adj. составной; сложный; gram. сложносочиненный compound addition (subtraction, etc.) - сложение (вычитание и т.д.) именованных чисел - compound householder - compound wound  3. v.  1) смешивать, соединять (with); составлять The substance was compounded with certain chemicals to make an explosive material.  2) улаживать; примирять (интересы) (with) The farmer compounded with the bank for a reduction in the interest rate on the money he owed.  3) приходить к компромиссу (с кредитором); частично погашать долг  4) leg. - compound a felony II noun  1) огороженная территория вокруг фабрики, конторы и т.п. европейцев (на Востоке)  2) огороженное место (напр., для военнопленных)  3) поселок негров-рабочих фирмы (в Африке) Syn: see mixture COMPOUND a felony отказываться от судебного преследования за материальное вознаграждение COMPOUND householder арендатор дома, в арендную плату которого включаются налоги, вносимые владельцем COMPOUND interest сложные проценты ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) состав; смесь составлять; смешивать составной; смешанный; сложный 2) (химическое) соединение соединять 3) компаунд (заливочная смесь или масса) компаундировать 4) кабельная масса 5) компаунд-машина 6) вчт. составной оператор 7) складывать (векторы) - additive compound - antidrumming compound - antiknock compound - antiseizure compound - asbestos-varnish compound - associated compound - bearing mount compound - binary compound - bituminous compound - blackfilled compound - blending compound - body cord skim compound - boiler compound - bonding compound - branched-chain compound - branched compound - cable compound - carbon-black-extended compound - catch compound - caulking compound - chain compound - closed-chain compound - complex coordination compound - complex compound - demulsifying compound - detrimental compound - dipping compound - dressing compound - elastomeric compound - electrical embedment compound - electrode compound - embedding compound - epoxide compound - extruded compound - fabric-reinforced polymer compound - ferroferric compound - filling compound - fluorocarbon rubber compound - foam compound - fragrance compound - friction compound - glazing compound - hardening compound - high-molecular compound - impregnating compound - ink compound - inorganic compound - insulating compound - intermetallic compound - interstitial-free intermetallic compound - investment compound - lapping compound - layer compound - leuco compound - molding compound - mother compound - organic compound - organic silicon compound - organoboron compound - organometallic compound - oxidizing compound - polymeric compound - potting compound - precipitate compound - preservative compound - raw compound - reducible compound - rubber compound - saturated compound - sealing compound - selenium compound - senwconducting compound - sheathing compound - side...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n., adj., & v. --n. 1 a mixture of two or more things, qualities, etc. 2 (also compound word) a word made up of two or more existing words. 3 Chem. a substance formed from two or more elements chemically united in fixed proportions. --adj. 1 a made up of several ingredients. b consisting of several parts. 2 combined; collective. 3 Zool. consisting of individual organisms. 4 Biol. consisting of several or many parts. --v. 1 tr. mix or combine (ingredients, ideas, motives, etc.) (grief compounded with fear). 2 tr. increase or complicate (difficulties etc.) (anxiety compounded by discomfort). 3 tr. make up (a composite whole). 4 tr. (also absol.) settle (a debt, dispute, etc.) by concession or special arrangement. 5 tr. Law a condone (a liability or offence) in exchange for money etc. b forbear from prosecuting (a felony) from private motives. 6 intr. (usu. foll. by with, for) Law come to terms with a person, for forgoing a claim etc. for an offence. 7 tr. combine (words or elements) into a word. Phrases and idioms compound eye an eye consisting of numerous visual units, as found in insects and crustaceans. compound fracture a fracture complicated by a skin wound. compound interest interest payable on capital and its accumulated interest (cf. simple interest). compound interval Mus. an interval exceeding one octave. compound leaf a leaf consisting of several or many leaflets. compound sentence a sentence with more than one subject or predicate. compound time Mus. music having more than one group of simple-time units in each bar. Derivatives compoundable adj. Etymology: ME compoun(e) f. OF compondre f. L componere (as COM-, ponere put: -d as in expound) 2. n. 1 a large open enclosure for housing workers etc., esp. miners in S. Africa. 2 an enclosure, esp. in India, China, etc., in which a factory or a house stands (cf. KAMPONG). 3 a large enclosed space in a prison or prison camp. 4 = POUND(3). Etymology: Port. campon or Du. kampong f. Malay ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English compounen, from Anglo-French *cumpundre, from Latin componere, from com- + ponere to put — more at position  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to put together (parts) so as to form a whole ; combine ~ ingredients  2. to form by combining parts ~ a medicine  3.  a. to settle amicably ; adjust by agreement  b. to agree for a consideration not to prosecute (an offense) ~ a felony  4.  a. to pay (interest) on both the accrued interest and the principal  b. to add to ; augment we ~ed our error in later policy — Robert Lekachman  intransitive verb  1. to become joined in a ~  2. to come to terms of agreement  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. adjective  Etymology: Middle English compouned, past participle of compounen  Date: 14th century  1. composed of or resulting from union of separate elements, ingredients, or parts: as  a. composed of united similar elements especially of a kind usually independent a ~ plant ovary  b. having the blade divided to the midrib and forming two or more leaflets on a common axis a ~ leaf  2. involving or used in a combination  3.  a. of a word constituting a ~  b. of a sentence having two or more main clauses  III. noun  Date: 1530  1.  a. a word consisting of components that are words (as rowboat, high school, devil-may-care)  b. a word (as anthropology, kilocycle, builder) consisting of any of various combinations of words, combining forms, or affixes  2. something formed by a union of elements or parts; especially a distinct substance formed by chemical union of two or more ingredients in definite proportion by weight  IV. noun  Etymology: by folk etymology from Malay kampung group of buildings, village  Date: 1679 a fenced or walled-in area containing a group of buildings and especially residences ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (compounded) 1. A compound is an enclosed area of land that is used for a particular purpose. Police fired on them as they fled into the embassy compound. ...a military compound. = enclosure N-COUNT 2. In chemistry, a compound is a substance that consists of two or more elements. Organic compounds contain carbon in their molecules. N-COUNT 3. If something is a compound of different things, it consists of those things. (FORMAL) Honey is basically a compound of water, two types of sugar, vitamins and enzymes. = mixture N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n 4. Compound is used to indicate that something consists of two or more parts or things. ...a tall shrub with shiny compound leaves. ...the compound microscope. = composite ? simple ADJ: ADJ n 5. In grammar, a compound noun, adjective, or verb is one that is made up of two or more words, for example ‘fire engine’, ‘bottle-green’, and ‘force-feed’. ADJ: ADJ n 6. In grammar, a compound sentence is one that is made up of two or more main clauses. Compare complex. ADJ: ADJ n 7. To compound a problem, difficulty, or mistake means to make it worse by adding to it. (FORMAL) Additional bloodshed and loss of life will only compound the tragedy... The problem is compounded by the medical system here. = add to VERB: V n, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 technical a substance containing atoms from two or more elements (element (1))  (Sulphur dioxide is a compound of sulphur and oxygen.) 2 a combination of two or more things or qualities that make up a situation  (social unrest caused by a compound of unemployment and poverty) 3 an area that contains a group of buildings and is surrounded by a fence or wall  (a prison compound) 4 technical a noun or adj made up of two or more words  (the noun `flower shop' and the adj `self-made' are compounds.) ~2 adj 1 compound eye/leaf etc technical a single eye, leaf etc that is made up of two or more parts or substances 2 compound noun/adjective technical a noun or adj that is made up of two or more words ~3 v 1 to make a difficult situation even worse by adding more problems  (be compounded by)  (Our difficulties were compounded by the language barrier.) 2 to make something by mixing different parts or substances together  (Scientists are able to compound an increasing number of substances to produce new drugs.) 3 AmE to pay interest1 (4) that is calculated on both the sum of money and the interest1 (4)  (My bank compounds interest quarterly.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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